Looking for the Best Automatic Ice Cream Maker? – Here are the Top Models For Any Budget

Hey folks, are you:-

  • Tired of having to freeze a bowl 24 hours before enjoying your dessert?
  • Fed up with having to layer rock salt and ice in a bucket anytime you want some sorbet?
  • Is having to crank a machine, just to have frozen treats, making you cranky? (LOL. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist that.)

Since you are an ice cream fiend, like me, I know simply giving up ice cream is not an option. Hence I found another solution in the shape of an automatic ice cream maker. These models have an in-built, commercial-strength compressor that totally eliminates the need to put any bowls in the freezer or use rock salt and ice. They come with bowls ranging from 1 – 4 quarts, which is enough to feed up to 8 people.

A really cool feature of these automatic models is that you can make multiple batches of different flavours of dessert, almost instantly.

You can have you ice cream ready in as little as 20minutes. All you have to do is pour in a base, turn it on, and you can go off doing other things. As soon as one batch is done, wash out the bowl (especially when you are trying out different recipes) the ice cream bucket and paddles.

Important features to look for in an automatic ice cream maker include:-

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What brand of Ice Cream Maker does Ina Garten use?

Did I hear you say who is Ina Garten?

Well, I will forgive you, this time, for not knowing one of the most talented and celebrated TV cooks and recipe book authors in America.

One time White House nuclear policy analyst, one time food store owner, these days she is a charming TV personality who presents a cooking show ‘Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics’ on Food Network from Monday through Friday at 12:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., Saturday at 11:00 a.m., and Sunday at 8:30 a.m. (all times ET.)
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Best Low Cost Ice Cream Maker – Who takes the Cake?

Its hot outside, some ice cream would cool you down, right? The thought of driving through traffic to get to your local ice cream parlor gives you the chills. Maybe its time you invest in an ice cream maker. And, no, I’m not talking about a unit that will set you back $ 5, 000.

Ice cream makers are usually associated with large ice cream parlors and cafes, but now you can have your share of this creamy dessert in the comfort of your own home. One question you may ask is ‘How much will this cost me’? No worries, I’m on your side. I will show you the best low cost ice cream maker that you can buy.


When shopping for an ice cream maker for your home, you will be focused on getting the best bang for your buck. You are likely to be interested in features such as:-

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